A Taxation in Old Turkic States. Part 2: Settled Agricultural Subjects of the he Western Türks
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A Taxation in Old Turkic States. Part 2: Settled Agricultural Subjects of the he Western Türks
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Vladimir V. Tishin 
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow of the Department of History and Culture of Central Asia on the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Affiliation: Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Address: Ulan-Ude, 6, Sakhyanova St., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russia
Limited source base determines different views of researchers on fiscal practices in political formations created and headed by the tribes of the Early Turkic group. The present paper continues an attempt to summarize different evidences of any taxation in the Türkic Qaghanates and their regional successors in Eurasian steppes and adjacent territories with a settled agricultural population. A special attention should be paid to the possessions of the Western Türkic dynasties with settled agricultural population on the territory of Central Asia and Afghanistan. It is possible to identify the certain patterns given the accumulated experience of comparative studies of nomadic societies. First, there is no evidence that the nomadic population, which belonged to the dominant tribal group, was exploited in any way. Secondly, from the subordinate nomadic and forest hunting tribes all the collections were subjected to taxation of natural products without any regularity and depending solely on the discretion of the representatives of the dominant tribe were directly at their head. Thirdly, the fiscal levies for the conquered sedentary agricultural people were carried out according to the practices prevailing earlier in a particular locality. The agents of the central (qaghanal) government were appointed over such subordinate peoples to exist on a par with the local dynastic rulers. They did not directly influence their domestic policies and, apparently, had only to control the timeliness of payments, among other obligations that their citizenship status implied.
Early Turks, Türkic Qaghanates, Uyghur Qaghanate, Türgish Qaghanate, fiscal, taxation, tribute
The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 20-09-00095 “Socio-Political History of Afghanistan and Punjab: From the Middle of the First Millennium A.D. to the Beginning of the Mongol invasion”.
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