2. Valeev R.M., Kulganek I.V. (ed.). Mongolian scholar O.M. Kowalewski: biography and Legacy (1801–1878) / Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS (St. Petersburg branch), Institute of Oriental Studies of Kazan State University. Institute of Social and Humanitarian knowledge. Kazan: Alma-Lit, 2004. 283 p. (In Russian).
3. Valeev R.M., Zakiev M.Z. (ed.). The Legacy of the Mongolian scholar O. M. Kowalewski and Present Day: Reports of the International Scientific Conference on June 21–24, 2001. Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan State University, 2002. 232 p. (In Russian).
4. The first Kowalewski’s Readings: Abstracts of Materials of the International Conference Dedicated to the 185th Anniversary of the Creation of the Department of Mongolian Literature in Kazan (September 24–26, 2018). Kazan: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2018. 94 p. (In Russian).
5. Russia – Mongolia – China: diaries of the Mongolian scholar O.M. Kowalewski, 1830–1831 / preparation for publication, preface, glossary, comments and indexes by R.M. Valeev, I.V. Kulganek; A.D. Tsendina (ed.). Kazan, Saint Petersburg: Taglimat IEUP, 2005 (2006). 103 p. (In Russian).
6. Epistolary and diary heritage of the Mongolian scholar O.M. Kowalewski (1828–1833) / preparation for publication, preface, comments and indexes by O.N. Polyanskaya. Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Buryat State Pedagogical University, 2008, 228 p. (In Russian).
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