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3. Rakhimov R.N. Between plague and cholera: irregular troops of the Orenburg Region in the fight against epidemics of the first third of the XIX century. Ural Historical Bulletin. 2021. No. 1 (70). Pp.14-20. (in Russian).
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7. Beznosikov K. S. Military-statistical review of the Russian Empire. Vol. 5. Part 5: Astrakhan province. Saint-Petersburg: Tipografiya Departamenta General'nogo shtaba, 1852. 176 p. (in Russian).
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21. Korf F.F. Memories of Persia. 1834-1835. St. Petersburg: Guttenbergova tipografiya, 1838. 290 p. (in Russian).
22. The Charter of the Medical Police. Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol.13. St. Petersburg: Tipografiya Vtorogo otdeleniya Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva kancelyarii. 1857. Pp.146-322. (in Russian).
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