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18. Sun Zihe. Study on the School of Foreign Language Tongwenguan during the Qing Dynasty. Taipei: Jiaxin shuini gongsi wenhua jijinhui chubanshe, 1977. 578 p. (in Chinese).
19. Name index of Peking School of foreign language of Tongwenguan. The 4th part. Vol. 1. Peking: Tongwenguan, 1887 (in Chinese).
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25. Hao Shuxia. Russian language Study in Peking foreign language school. Russian Language in China. 2004. No. 2. Pp. 58–62 (in Chinese).
26. Hao Shuxia. Chinese-Russian diplomatic ties in late of Qing and Peking School of foreign Language Tongwenguan. Educational Review. 2012. No. 4. Pp. 132–135 (in Chinese).
27. The complete works of Zeng Jize. Edit. by Yang Jian. Changsha: Yuelu Publ., 2005. 378 p. (in Chinese).
28. Qi Rushan. Chronicle of Qi Rushan’s recalls. Shenyang: Liaoning Education Publ., 2005. 441 p. (in Chinese).
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32. Zhang Ji. From General Foreign Affairs Office to Ministry of foreign affairs. Review on employing personnel for ministries and offices in Qing dynasty. Historical archive. 2014, no. 2. Pp. 91–96 (in Chinese).
33. Zhang Deyi. A Journey around Europe and America. Edit. by Zuo Buqing, Mi Jiangnong. Hunan renmin chubanshe, 1981. 241 p. (in Chinese).
34. Background materials on the teaching of China’s Modern Educational History. Edit. by Chen Xuexun. Peking: Renmin jiaoyu chubanshe, 1986. 774 p. (in Chinese).
35. History of education in Modern China. Education of the “Yangwu” period. Edit. by Gao Shiliang. Shanghai: Shanghai jiaoyu chubanshe, 2007. 1033 p. (in Chinese).
36. History of the Modern China’s system of Education. Edit. by Zhu Youhuan. Shanghai: Huadong shifan daxue chubanshe, 1983. 610 p. (in Chinese).
37. The Whole Course of Make Preparations Foreign Affairs during the period of Xianfeng Emperor. Vol. VIII. Peking: Zhonghua shuju, 1979. Pp. 2659–2977 (in Chinese).
38. The Whole Course of Make Preparations Foreign Affairs during the period of Tongzhi Emperor. Edit. by Li Shuyuan. Vol. II. Peking: Zhonghua shuju, 2008, 920 p. (in Chinese).
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