1. Российская консульская служба в Австралии. 1857–1917 гг. Сборник документов. Сост. и авт. ввод.ст. и коммент. А. Я. Массов и М. Поллард. М.: Международные отношения, 2014.
2. Российские моряки и путешественники в Австралии. Состав-ление, комментарии, вводная статья (в соавторстве с Е. В. Говор). М.: Наука, 1993; 2 изд., испр. и доп. М.: Наука, 2007.
3. Encounters under the Southern Cross. Two Centuries of Russian-Australian Relations 1807–2007. Eds.: A. Massov, J. McNair, T. Poole. Adelaide: Crawford House Publishing, 2007.
4. Macintyre S., Clark A. The History Wars. Melbourne University Press, 2004.
5. A New Rival State? Australia in Tsarist Diplomatic Communica-tions. Ed. by Alexander Massov, Marina Pollard, KevinWindle. Can-berra, ANU Press, 2018.
6. Our Unswerving Loyalty: a documentary survey of relations be-tween the Communist Party of Australia and Moscow. Eds.: David W. Lovell and Kevin Windle. Canberra ACT, 2008.
7. The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Ed. by K. Malmkjær and K. Windle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
8. From St. Petersburg to Port Jackson. Russian Travelers’ Tales of Australia 1807–1912. Ed. by K. Windle, E. Govor and A. Massov. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2016.
9. Rossijskaya konsul’skaya sluzhba v Аvstralii. 1857–1917 gg. Sbornik dokumentov. Sost., vvod. st. i komment. А. Y. Massov i M. Pollard. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2014.
10. Rossijskie moryaki I puteshestvenniki v Аvstralii. Sostavlenie, kommentarii, vvodnaya stat’ya (v soavtorstve s E. V. Govor). M.: Nau-ka, 1993; 2-еizd., ispr. I dop. M.: Nauka, 2007.
11. Windle K. Undesirable: Captain Zuzenko and the Workers of Aus-tralia and the World. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2012.
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