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2. Fakhrutdinova N. Z. Livijskaya tragediya i rossijsko-livijskie otnosheniya. Povorot Afriki na «Vostok» i interesy Rossii. M.: IAfr RAN, 2018. S. 41–57. [Fahrutdinova N. Z. Livijskaya tragediya i rossijsko-livijskie otnosheniya. Povorot Afriki na «Vostok» i interesy Rossii (Fakhrutdinova N. Z. The Libyan tragedy and Russian-Libyan relations. The turn of Africa to the “East” and the interests of Russia). Moscow: Institute for African Studies RAS, 2018. Pp. 41–57 (in Russian)].
3. African Economic Outlook 2014: Global Value Chains and Africa’s Industrialisation. AfDB, OECD, UNDP. 2014.
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