The Institution of Comitatus among the Turks of Inner Asia (the Main Points of the Interpretation of Written and Archaeological Sources)
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The Institution of Comitatus among the Turks of Inner Asia (the Main Points of the Interpretation of Written and Archaeological Sources)
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Nikolai Seregin 
Occupation: Associated Professor of Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of Altai State University
Affiliation: Altai State University
Address: Russian Federation, Barnaul
Vladimir V. Tishin
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow of the Department of History and Culture of Central Asia on the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Affiliation: Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude

Using the written sources and archaeological data, the article analyses the problem of an existence of comitatus ‘armed forces, retainers, war bands’ among the Turkic peoples. These tribal groups established a polity in the second half of the sixth century CE that existed than may until the early eighth century. The authors discuss historical terms mentioned in various written sources be possibly identified with the comitatus. According to the authors, one may only conjecture the existence of certain military communities associated with the higher elite. The authors also attract sources to the Uighur and Yenisei Kyrgyz. The military groups of the Turkic elites could be a guard, bodyguards or usual retainers with a wide range of their functions. There is no evidence of their formal organization. Archaeological materials allow one to distinguish only a social strata linked to warfare and defined as “professional warriors” for the sake of convenience.

comitatus, Türks, Inner Asia, written sources, archaeological materials, social reconstructions
The article was prepared with the support of the RFBR, research project “The Elites of the ancient Turks of Central Asia (a comprehensive analysis of the archaeological and written sources)” (No. 16-31-01029а2) and in the framework of the RSF project “Formation and evolution of livelihood systems among the nomadic societies of Altai and adjacent territories in late antiquity and the middle ages: an integrated reconstruction” (No. 16-18-10033).
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