1. TheEast: food and development. Rastyannikov V.G. (ed.). M.: Nauka, 1986. 344 pp. (in Russian).
2. Deryugina I.V. Agriculture in the world: the past and the future 1980-2010-2050. Moscow: Pero, 2015. 128 pp. (in Russian).
3. Deryugina I.V. Countries of South Asia: will hunger be overcome. Economic, social, political, ethnic and religious problems of African-Asian countries: in memory of L.F. Pakhomova. Eds: O.P. Bibikova, N.N. Tsvetkova. Moscow: IOS, 2016. Pp. 97–114 (in Russian).
4. Maliarov O.V. Independent India: evolution of socio-economic model and economic development. Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2010. 744 pp. (inRussian).
5. Sustainable rural development through agricultural innovation. Committee on agriculture. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Rome, 26–30 September 2016. 12 pp. (in Russian).
6. Status and trends of biotechnologies applied to the conservation and use of genetic resources for food and agriculture. Commission on genetic resources for food and agriculture. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Rome, 4–6 April 2011. 20 pp. (in Russian).
7. Rastyannikov V.G., Deryugina I.V. Agricultural dynamics of the twentieth century. Experience of comparative historical research. Moscow: IOS, 1999. 331 pp. (in Russian).
8. Agriculture Census 2010–2011. Phase-I. All India Report on Number and Area of Operational Holdings. Govt. of India. New Delhi, 2014. 97 pp.
9. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 1992–1993. Govt. of India. New Delhi, 1993. 419 pp.
10. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2015–2016. Govt. of India. New Delhi, 2016. 507 pp.
11. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2016–2017. Govt. of India. New Delhi, 2017. 519 pp.
12. Economic Survey 2012–2013. Statistical Appendix. Govt. of India. New Delhi, 2013. 130 pp.
13. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2015. Rome. FAO, 2015. 107 pp.
14. India Transformed. 25 Years of Economic Reforms. Ed. by R. Mohan. New Delhi: Viking by Penguin Random House, India, 2017. 756 pp.
15. Transforming Indian Agriculture – India 2040: Productivity, Markets, and Institutions. Ed.by M. Ferroni. New Delhi: Sage Publication India, 2013. 368 pp.
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