Additional sources and materials
1. Afrika. Ehntsiklopedicheskij spravochnik. M., 1963.
2. Vysotskaya N.I. Panafrikanizm//Idejnye techeniya v Tropicheskoj Afrike. M., 1969.
3. Dokumenty panafrikanskogo dvizheniya//Rasy i narody. Vyp. 7. M., 1977.
4. Dyubua U.Eh. Vospominaniya. M., 1962.
5. Ideologiya revolyutsionnykh demokratov Afriki/Red. G.B. Starushenko. M.,1981.
6. Kolonializm. Period Evropejskoj Afriki (1919-1939) II htpp:// <> (sajt Posol'stva Senegala v RF).
7. Komintern i Afrika. Dokumenty. SPb., 2003.
8. Musul'mane v publichnom prostranstve Ameriki: nadezhdy, opaseniya i ustremleniya. M., 2005.
9. Nkruma K. Ya govoryu o svobode. Izlozhenie afrikanskoj ideologii. M., 1962.
10. Potekhin I.I. Panafrikanizm i bor'ba dvukh ideologij//Kommunist. 1964. № 1.
11. Troshin Yu.A. Istoriya stran Azii i Afriki v novejshee vremya (1918-2000). M., 2004.
12. The Cambridge History of Africa. Cambridge University Press, 1984.
13. Chronologie Universelle. P., 1997.
14. Chronology of the 20-th Century. Oxford, 1996.
15. The Fascist Italian Invasion and the Ethiopian Peoples Struggle for Liberation. Vol. 1. Meskerem, 1981. № 3-4.
16. Geiss I. The Pan-African Movement. L., 1974.
17. History of Pan-African Congress. Colonial and... Colored Unity. A Programme of Action. L., 1947.
18. htpp://amstd. <>
19. The New Africans. A Guide to the Contemporary History of Emergent Africa and its Leaders. L., 1967.
20. Padmore G. Pan-Africanism or Communism? The Coming Struggle for Africa. L., 1956.
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