Additional sources and materials
1. Serebryanyj S.D. Roman v indijskoj kul'ture Novogo vremeni. M.: RGGU, 2003.
2. Bhattacharjee K.S. The Bengal Renaissance: Social and Political Thought. New Delhi: Classical Publishing Company, 1986.
3. Chaudhuri N.Ch. The Intellectual in India. New Delhi: Association Publishing House, 1967.
4. Majumdar R.C. Glimpses of Bengal in the Nineteenth Century. Calcutta: Mukhopaddhay, 1960.
5. Naravane V.S. Modern Indian Thought. N.Y.: Asia, 1964.
6. Poddar A. Renaissance in Bengal. Quests and Confrontations. 1800-1860. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1970.
7. Poddar A. Renaissance in Bengal. Search for Identity. 1860-1919. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1977.
8. Reflections on the Bengal Renaissance / Ed. by D. Kopf and S. Joarder. Rajshahi: Institute of Bangladesh Studies, 1977.
9. Sarkar Jadunath. India Through the Ages. 5th ed. Calcutta: M.C. Sarkar & Sons, 1960.
10. Sarkar Susobhan. Bengal Renaissance and Other Essays. New Delhi, etc.: People's Publishing House, 1970.
11. Studies in the Bengal Renaissance/ Ed. by A. Gupta. Calcutta: ladavpur University, 1958.
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