Additional sources and materials
1. Androsov V.P. Budda Shak'yamuni. M.: Vost. literatura, 2001.
2. Vasubandkhu. Abkhidkharmakosha. Razdel tretij. Uchenie o mire. / Per. s sanskr., vved., komment. E.P. Ostrovskoj, V.I. Rudogo. SPb.: Andreev i synov'ya, 1994.
3. Ermakova T.V., Ostrovskaya E.P. Klassicheskij buddizm. SPb.: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2004.
4. Strong Dzh. Budda. Kratkaya biografiya / Per. O. Perfil'eva. M.: Fair-press. 2001.
5. Beinorius A. The Followers of the Stars: On the Early Sources and Historical Developement of Indian Astrology // Acta Orientalia Vilnensia. 2003. Vol. 4. Vilnius University Publishing House.
6. Dasgupta S. A History of Indian Philosophy. Vol. 2. Cambridge, 1961.
7. Edgerton F. Buddhist Hybrid Grammar and Dictinary. Vol. 1: Grammar; vol. 2: Dictionary. Delhi: Motilal Banar-sidass. 1998 (1st. ed. New Haven, 1953).
8. Foucaux Ph. Rgya tch'er rol pa (tibetskij tekst i frantsuzskij perevod "Lalitavistary"). R., 1847.
9. Foucaux Ph. Le Lalita-vistara -Developpement desjeux. T. 1-2. P.: Annales de Museé Guimet, 1884-1892.
10. Foucher A. The Life of the Buddha According to the Ancient Texts and Monuments of India I Transl. by S.B. Boas. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 2003.
11. Kern H. The Saddharma-pundarika or the Lotus of the True Law. Introduction. Delhi: D.K. Publishers, 1996 (1st. ed. Oxford, 1884).
12. Lalitavistara II Ed. By P.L. Vaidya. Buddhist Sanskrit Text. № 1 / Published by The Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Researches in Sanskrit Learning. Darbhanga, 1958.
13. Majjhima Nikāya. Vol. 1-3 / Ed. by V. Trenkner and R. Chalmers. L., 1948-1951.
14. Mahavastu avadana. Vol. 2 / Ed. by R. Basak. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Researches in Sanskrit Learning, 2003.
15. Mitra R.L. The Lalita-vistara / English Translation (Chs. 1-15). Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1998 (1st. ed. Calcutta, 1881-1886).
16. Monier-Williams M. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1993 (1st. ed. Oxford, 1899).
17. Nariman G.K. Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism. Delhi: Pilgrim Books, 1998 (1st. ed. Bombay, 1919).
18. Oldenberg H. Buddha, His Life, His Doctrin, His Order I Transl. by W. Hoey. Varanasi: Pilgrims Publishing, 2000 (1st. ed. L., 1882).
19. Rhys Davids T.W, Stede W. Pali-English Dictionary. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2003 (1st. ed. L., 1921-1925).
20. Schumann H.W. The Historical Buddha/ Transl. by M. Walshe. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2004.
21. Thomas E J. The Life of Buddha as Legend and History. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2005 (1st. ed. L., 1927).
22. Warder A.K. Indian Buddhism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2004 (1st. ed. Delhi, 1970).
23. Winternitz M. A History of Indian Literature. Vol. 2. Buddhist Literature and Jaina Literature I Transl. by S. Ketkar and S. Kohn. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977.
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