Additional sources and materials
1. Kniga stranstvij rabi Veniamina blazhennoj pamyati // Tri evrejskikh puteshestvennika. M.: Mosty kul'tury, 2004.
2. Asaf S. Batey ha-din u-sidreyhem ahrey hatimat ha-talmud (Sudy i poryadok ikh dejstviya posle kodifikatsii Talmuda). Jerusalem: Dfus ha-Poalim, 1924.
3. Benedict B.Z. Merkaz ha-torah be-Provence (Tsentr izucheniya Tory v Provanse). Jerusalem: Mosad ha-rav Kuk, 1985.
4. Ben Shalom R. Hayey ha-qehillah be-Arles u-mosdoteha. Shut ha-Ribash 266 kemaqor histori (Zhizn' evrejskoj obschiny v Arle i ee uchrezhdeniya. Respons Rivasha № 266 kak istoricheskij istochnik) // Mikhael. Vol. 12. Tel-Aviv, 2001.
5. Loeb I. Le Proces de Samuel ibn Tibbon. Marseille, 1255 // Revue des études juives. Vol. 15. Paris, 1887.
6. Neubauer Ad. Documents inedits // Revue des études juives. Vol. 12. Paris, 1886.
7. Newman A. The Jews in Spain. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1942.
8. Rabenu Abraham Ben David (Rabad). Tshuvot u-phsakim (Otvety i postanovleniya). Jerusalem: Mosad ha-rav Kuk, 1964.
9. Sefer Magen Avot al-yedey R. Menahem ben Shlomo ha-Meiri (Kniga v zaschitu ottsov rabi Menakhema Ben Shlomo Kha-Meiri). Jerusalem, 1978.
10. Sefer Sheelot u-tshuvot le-gaon rabenu Nissim Gerondi (Kniga responsov gaona rabenu Nissima Gerondi). Jerusalem, 1971.
11. Shatzmiller J. Recherche sur la communaute juive de Manosque. Paris: Mouton, 1973.
12. Sheelot u-tshuvot Bar Sheshet (Responsy Bar Shesheta). Jerusalem: Yehuda Leib Mets, 1979.
13. Tal A. Le-sheelat ha-kfuliyut be-teshuvat Rabi le-rabbi Meshullam me-Lunel she be-htav yad Moskva 566 (K voprosu o dvojstvennosti v otvete Rabi r. Meshulamu iz Lyunelya v moskovskoj rukopisi № 566) // Sidra. Vol. 20. Jerusalem, 2005.
14. Ta-Shma I. Rabbi Moshe ha-Darshan ve-ha-sifrut ha-hitsonit (Rabi Mouie Kha-Darshan i nekanonicheskaya literatura). Jerusalem: Turo College, 2001.
15. Tshuvot hakhmey Provincia (Responsy mudretsov Provansa). Jerusalem: Dfus Akiba Josef, 1967.
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