Additional sources and materials
1. Afrika v bor'be za perestrojku mezhdunarodnykh ehkonomicheskikh otnoshenij / Pod red. An. A. Gromyko. M.: Nauka, GRVL, 1985.
2. AfRo (Rossijsko-yuzhnoafrikanskij delovoj zhurnal). M., 2004, № 6.
3. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. I. International Law. 2000, № I. International Atomic Energy General Conference. 42d Regular Session.. Statement on South Africa [s.I.], [1998].
4. Skubko Yu.S. Novye yavleniya v ehkonomike YuAR. M.: Nauka, 1985.
5. Ehkonomika nezavisimykh stran Afriki / Pod red. V.G. Solodovnikova. M.: Nauka, 1972.
6. Africa’s Development Thinking since Independence. A Reader. Pretoria. Africa Institute of South Africa, 2002. Anuário 2001-02. 3a Εdição. Luanda, Αssοçaçãο Industrial de Angola, 2001.
7. CFM aumenta receita. // Africa Hoje. Politico, Economia e Cultura. 2003. Abril. № 176.
8. Constitution of the Republic of Namibia. Adopted by the Constituent Assembly in Windhoek, Namibia, On 9th February, 1990. Ch. 11. Art. 95. Pt 1(1).43.
9. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa // http:// 02 html; a takzhe: Human Development Report 2003.
10. Gas de Pande cheqará a Matola // África Hoje. Lisboa, 2003. Fevereiro. № 174.
11. GPZ Zambezi Valley Development Authority. Republic of Mozambique. A press release. B.m., b.d. /2003./. gapla-zazebra. Uem / mz.
12. Hamutenya H. Namibia Switches to Energy Self-Sufficiency and Development // Namibia Review. Vol. I..№ I. Windhoek. March 1992.
13. HCB Desmente Suspensao de Fomecimento de Energia. Il Africa Hoje. Lisboa. Abril 2003. № 176.
14. Kapanda ja engolou 2 bilhoes de dólares Il Africa Hoje. Lisboa, 2003. Fevereiro. № 174.
15. Lewis S.R. (Jr.). The Economics of Apartheid. New York-London: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1990.
16. Macieira S. (Entrevistado). 12 anos ao service) de Angola // Afnca Hoje. Lisboa, 2003. Abril. № 176.
17. NEPAD's Ambitions: Africa's Short-Term Projects List // YuAR segodnya. Informatsionnyj byulleten' Posol'stva Yuzhno-Afrikanskoj Respubliki v Moskve. M., 2002. Iyul'-avgust. S. 4-5 so ssylkoj na: Business Day (J.). 9.07.2002.
18. Porto Dobela vai serrealidade // África Hoje. Lisboa, 2003. Abril. № 176.
19. Relancamento do cajú// África Hoje. Lisboa, 2003. Fevereiro. № 174.
20. South Africa. Human Development Report 2003. The Challenge of Sustainable Development. Unlocking People's Creativity. United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Summary. Cape Town, Oxford University Press for Southern Africa, 2003.
21. Tennenbaum J. South Africa Moves Ahead with High Temperature Reactor Project // The Executive Intelligence Review. Vol. 27. № 8. Wash., 25.02.2000.
22. The US Department of State. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell Observes Nacala Signing Ceremony. Wash., 27.06.2003.
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