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The author of the article examines the information of sources about a Kavar uprising in Khazaria and also about a Magyar migration to the lands north of the Black sea and then further on westward, to Pannonia. The author comes to the conclusion that two Kavar (=Savir) uprisings took place: the first one at the beginning of 830 A.D. and the second one in 854. The Magyars living in Levedia joined the uprising, but then were routed by the Pechenegs hired against them and fled to Atelkuza. The Kavars fled Khazaris after the defeat of the second uprising. Part of them settled in Transcaucasia and part of others among the Magyars. Another important conclusion is that the ethnic name "Savart" is connected not with the Magyars, but with the Savirs, that is with those same Kavars. As for the transcaucasian savardiya, they can be regarded as those Kavars who fled to Transcaucasia in 854 A.D.
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Additional sources and materials

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