Additional sources and materials
1. Bazili K.M. Ocherki Konstantinopolya. Bosfor i novye ocherki Konstantinopolya. M., 2006.
2. Bazili K.M. Siriya i Palestina pod turetskim pravitel'stvom v istoricheskom i politicheskom otnosheniyakh. Ierusalim, M., 2007.
3. Grigorovich-Barskij V. Stranstvovaniya po Svyatym mestam Vostoka. Ch. 1-2. M., 2005.
4. Eremeev D.E., Mejer M.S. Istoriya Turtsii v srednie veka. M., 1992.
5. Murav'ev A.N. Pis'ma s Vostoka ot 1849 po 1850 g. Ch. 1-2. M., 2005.
6. Perminov P. Posol III klassa. M., 1992.
7. Aksan V.H. The internal and external challenges to Selim III // Ottoman Wars 1700-1870: An Empire Besieged. L., 2007.
8. Aksan V.H. War and Peace // The Cambridge History of Turkey. V. 3. Suraiya Faroqhi (ed.). Cambridge, 2006.
9. Bayerle G. Pashas, Begs and Effendis. A Historical Dictionary of Titles and Terms in the Ottoman Empire. Istanbul, 1997.
10. Bon O. Of the Audience and Entertainment given to Ambassadors // The Sultan's Seraglio: An Intimate Portrait of Life at the Ottoman Court. L., 1996.
11. Faroqhi S. Ceremonies, Festivals and Decorative Arts // Subjects of the Sultan: Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire. L., 2007.
12. Faroqhi S. The Ottoman Empire and the World around it. L., 2007.
13. Geertz C. Centers, Kings, and Charisma: Reflections on the Symbolics of Power // Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology. N.Y., 1983.
14. Inalcik H. Essays in Ottoman History. Istanbul, 1998.
15. Karateke H.T. (ed.). An Ottoman Protocol Register. Istanbul, 2007.
16. Kitsikis D. Le concept ottoman de relations internationales et le service diplomatique ottoman au dix-neuvième siècle // Aspects of Ottoman History. Jerusalem, 1994.
17. Naff T. Ottoman Diplomatic Relations with Europe in the Eighteenth Century: Patterns and Trends // Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History. Tomas Naff, Roger Owen (eds.). Illinois, 1977.
18. Naff T. Reform and conduct of Ottoman diplomacy in the reign of Selim III, 1789-1807 // Journal of the American Oriental Society. 83. 1963.
19. Naff T. The Ottoman Empire and the European States System. H. Bull and A. Watson (eds.) // The Expansion of International Society. Oxford, 1984.
20. Neumann C.K. Political and diplomatic developments // The Cambridge History of Turkey. V. 3. Suraiya Faroqhi (ed.). Cambridge, 2006.
21. Ortayli I. Studies on Ottoman Transformation. Istanbul, 1994.
22. Shaw S. Between Old and New: The Ottoman Empire under Sultan Selim III. 1789-1807. Cambridge, 1971.
23. Slade A. Records of travels in Turkey, Greece & c. and of a cruise in the Black Sea with Capitan Pasha in the years 1829, 1830, and 1831. Vol. 2. L., 1833.
24. Walsh R.A. Residence at Constantinople During a Period Including the Commencement Progress and Determination of the Greek and Turkish Revolutions. Vol. 1. L., 1838.
25. White C. Three Years in Constantinople, or Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1844. Vol. 2. L., 1845
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