Additional sources and materials
1. Kalinnikova E.Ya. Sarodzhini Najdu - poehtessa i politik // Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 1999. № 9.
2. Kalinnikova E.Ya. Sarodzhini Najdu. Boginya vdokhnovennogo slova // Vydayuschiesya zhenschiny Indii KhKh veka. M.: IVRAN, 2002.
3. Mitrokhin L.V., Yunel' A.I. SSSR i Indiya v gody Vtoroj mirovoj vojny // SSSR i Indiya. M.: Glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoj literatury, 1987.
4. Neru Dzh. Avtobiografiya. M.: Izd-vo IL, 1955.
5. Yurlov F.N., Yurlova E.S. Istoriya Indii. KhKh vek. M.: IVRAN, 2010.
6. Yurlova E.S. Sotsial'noe polozhenie zhenschin i zhenskoe dvizhenie v Indii. M.: Nauka, 1982.
7. Yurlova E.S. Indiya: ot neprikasaemykh k dalitam. Ocherki istorii, ideologii i politiki. M.: IVRAN, 2003.
8. Baig Tara Ali. Sarojini Naidu. New Delhi: GOI, 1974.
9. Bose S.Ch. The Indian Struggle 1920-1942. Calcutta: Asia Publishing House, 1964.
10. Chattopadhyaya Kamaladevi. The Struggle for Freedom // Women of India. New Delhi: The Publications Division, 1958.
11. Desai Mahadev. Day to day with Mahatma Gandhi: Secretary's Diary 1917-1927 & 1932. Vol. 1. New Delhi, 1984.
12. Mayo K. Mother India. N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1927.
13. Naidu Sarojini. Speeches and Writings. Madras: G.A. Natesan, 1904.
14. Naidu Sarojini. "My Father, Do Not Rest": Broadcast on All India Radio, February 1, 1948.
15. Paranjape Makarand. Naidu Sarojini. Selected Letters 1890s to 1940s. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1996.
16. Ramakrishnan S. Preface to The Mahatma and the Poetess. Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1998.
17. Sengupta Padmini. Sarojini Naidu. A Biography. N.Y.: Asia Publishing House, 1966.
18. Sengupta Padmini. The Story of Women of India. New Delhi: Indian Book Company, 1974.
19. Speeches and Writings of Sarojini Naidu. Madras: G.A. Natesan & Co., 1925.
20. Tendulkar D.J. Mahatma: Life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Vol. V. Delhi: The Publication Division. Government of India (Reprinted Oct. 1969).
21. The Mahatma and the Poetess. Being a selection of letters between Gandhiji and Sarojini Naidu / Compiled by E.S. Reddy / Ed. by Mrinalini Sarabai. Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1998.
22. Tunzelmann A. von. Indian Summer. The Secret History of the End of an Empire. N.Y.: Henry Holt and Company LLC, 2007.
23. Young India. 11.08.1920.
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