Additional sources and materials
1. Arkhiv Vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj imperii (dalee - AVPRI). F. 147. Op. 486. D. 232.
2. K istorii anglo-russkogo soglasheniya 1907 g. // Krasnyj arkhiv. 1935. T. 2-3 (69-70).
3. Novoe vremya. 01.04.1906.
4. Sazonov S.D. Vospominaniya. P.: Knigoizdatel'stvo E. S iyal'skoj, 1927.
5. Sbornik dogovorov Rossii s drugimi gosudarstvami (1856-1917). M.: Gospolitizdat, 1952.
6. Adamec L.W. Afghanistan. 1900-1923. A Diplomatic History. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965.
7. British Documents on the Origin of the War: 1898-1914. Vol. 4. N.Y.: Johnson Reprint, 1967.
8. Hardinge C. My Indian Years: 1910-1916. L.: John Murray, 1947.
9. The Parliamentary Debates (Authorized Edition), Fourth Series. Third Session of the Twenty-Eighth Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland. L.: Reuter's Telegram Co, 1908.
10. Singhal D.P. India and Afghanistan. 1876-1907. A Study in Diplomatic Relations. Queensland: University of Queensland, 1963.
11. The Times Weekly Edition.
12. Tripathi G.P. Indo-Afghan Relations: 1882-1907. New Delhi: Kumar Bros., 1973.
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