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Tibet is one of the most strategically important regions of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It can be called the hydro-donor for the whole of the South and South-East Asian regions. Such great rivers as the Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Salween, Yellow, Yangtze, Red and, Black rivers and their tributaries originate in the Tibetan plateau. According to some date around 85 percent of Asia's population uses water resources that originate in Tibet. This specifi cs indeed makes Tibet one of the most important components in global geopolitical game. The PRC faces serious shortages of water, which will only increase with the lapse of time. Water shortages will be among the most important problems in India, Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries of the region too. Within this context water lever could become of the most effective leverages to keep the countries of the region so to say within the friendly orbit with the PRC and minimize possible drift towards potential geopolitical rivals of China. To make hydro-politics more effective China should establish more close relations with Nepal and Laos. With Nepal China could be able to exercise hydro-infl uence on the Ganges river basis and without Laos its hydropolicy in Indochina will be of a seasonal nature. However, in any case socioeconomic development of Tibet itself is the key factor of Chinese hydro-politics. Tibet thus becomes crucial component of strengthening Chinese competitiveness in global geopolitical struggle. Without this region the PRC will be unable to become a pole in the global geopolitical system.
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