Additional sources and materials
1. Tyurin V. A. Zavoevanie Malaji Angliej. M., 1962.
2. Allen G.C. and Donnithome A.G. Western Enterprise in indonesia and Malaya: A Study in Economic Development. L., 1957.
3. Andaya B.W. and Andaya L.Y. A History of Malays/a. L. and Bas/ngstoke, 1982.
4. Anderson J. A Political and Commercial Considerations relative to the Malayan Peninsula and the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca. Prince of Wales Island, 1824.
5. Anson A.E. About Others and Myself 1745-1920. L., 1920.
6. Bogaars G. Effect of the Opening of the Suez Canal on the Trade and Development of Singapore // JMBRAS. Vol. 28, pt. 1.1955.
7. Braddell R.St.J. The Law of the Straits Settlements. Singapore, 1915.
8. Buckley C.B. An Anecdotal History of Old Times in Singapore. Vol. //Singapore, 1902.
9. Cameron J. Our Tropical Possessions in Malayan India. L., 1865.
10. Correspondence relating to Native States in the Peninsula (Nov. 1872 - Mar. 1874) // PP. L., 1874.
11. Cowan C.D. Nineteenth Century Malaya. The Origin of British Political Control. L., 1961.
12. Fermor L.L. Report upon the Mining Industry in Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, 1953.
13. Further Correspondence relating to Native States in the Peninsula (Nov. 1874 - July 1875). 2 Aug. 1874 // PP. L., 1875.
14. Gullick J.M. Captain Speedy of Larut // JMBRAS. Vol. 26. Pt. 2. 1953.
15. Hall M.L. The Colonial Office. L., 1937.
16. Khoo Kay Kim. The Western Malay States 1850-1873. The Effects of Commercial Development on Malay Politics. Kuala Lumpur, 1972.
17. Linehan W.A. History of Pahang // JMBRAS. Vol. 14. Pt. 2. 1936.
18. Man H. Supplements to Correspondence Regarding the Comparative Merits of British and Native Administration of India. Calcutta, 1868.
19. McNair J.F.A. Perak and the Malays; "Sarong and Kris". L., 1878.
20. McNair J.F. A and Bayliss W.D. Prisoners of Their Own Warders. L., 1899.
21. Middlebrook S.M. Yap Ah Loy //JMBRAS. Vol. 24. Pt. 2, 1951.
22. One Hundred Years of Singapore / Ed. by Makepeace W., Broode G.E., Braddell R. St. L., 1921.
23. Parkinson C.N. British intervention in Malaya, 1867-77. L., 1960.
24. Purcell V. The Chinese in Malaya. N.Y.-Toronto, 1949.
25. Sheppard M.C. A Short History of Trengganu /JMBRAS. Vol. 22. Pt. 3. 1949.
26. Song Ong Siang. One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore. L., 1923.
27. Swettenham F.A. Malay Sketches. L., 1895.
28. Swettenham F.A. British Malaya. An Account of the Origin and Progress of British influence in Malaya. L., 1906.
29. Thio E. British Policy towards Johore: from Advice to Control // JMBRAS. Vol. 40. Pt. 1. 1967.
30. Treaties and Engagements Affecting the Malay States and Borneo / Ed. by Maxwell W.G. and Gibson W.S. L., 1924.
31. Wilkinson R.J. A History of the Peninsular Malays, with Chapters on Perak and Selangor. Singapore, 1923.
32. Winstedt R.O. A History of Selangor / JMBRAS. Vol. 12. Pt. 3. 1934.
33. Winstedt R.O. and Wilkinson R.J. A History of Perak /JMBRAS. Vol. 12. Pt. 1. 1934.
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