Additional sources and materials
1. Zakharov A.O. Istoriografiya problemy "indianizatsii" Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii // Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: Aktual'nye problemy razvitiya. Vyp. XIII. M.: IV RAN, 2009.
2. Rybakova N.I. Iskusstvo Kambodzhi s drevnejshikh vremen do XIV v. M.: Galart, 2007.
3. Sedov L.A. Angkorskaya imperiya (sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskij i gosudarstvennyj stroj Kambodzhi v IX- XIV vv.). M.: Gl. red. vost. lit. izd-va "Nauka", 1967.
4. Coe M.D. Angkor and the Khmer Civilization. N.Y.: Thames & Hudson, 2003.
5. Coedès G. Nouvelles données sur les origines du royaume khmèr: la stèle de Văt Luong Kău près de Wat Phu // Bulletin de l'École française d'Éxtrême-Orient. T. 48. № 1. 1956.
6. Coedès G. Inscriptions du Cambodge. T. VII. P.: École française d'Éxtrême-Orient, 1964.
7. Fletcher R., Penny D., Barbetti M., Pottier C., Heng Than, Khieu Chan & Tous Somaneath. The Greater Angkor Project 2005-2009: Issues and Program // Uncovering Southeast Asia's Past: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, The British Museum, 14'h- 17,h September 2004 / Ed. by E.A. Bacus, I.C. Glover & V.C. Pigott. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2006.
8. Fletcher R., Pottier C., Johnson W. Angkor and Water Management: The Implications of Massive Masonry Water Control Structures // Archaeology in Southeast Asia: From Homo Erectus to the Living Traditions. Choice of Papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Bougon, 25'h-29'h September 2006 / Ed. by J.-P. Pautreau, A.-S. Coupey, V. Zeitoun & E. Rambault. Bougon: The 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, 2008.
9. Freeman M., Jacques Cl. Ancient Angkor. Bangkok: River Books, 2006.
10. Higham Ch. The Civilization of Angkor. Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2001.
11. Jacques Cl. Angkor: Cities and Temples. Bangkok: River Books, 2006.
12. Malleret L. L'Archéologie du delta du Mékong. T. I-IV. P.: École Française d'Éxtrême-Orient, 1959-1963.
13. Miksic J.N. Historical Dictionary of Ancient Southeast Asia. Lanham, Maryland-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: The Scarecrow Press, 2007 (Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras, No. 18).
14. Roveda V. Images of the Gods: Khmer Mythology in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Bangkok: River Books, 2005.
15. Roveda V. Sacred Angkor: The Carved Reliefs of Angkor Wat. Bangkok: River Books, 2007.
16. Zhou Daguan. A Record of Cambodia: The Land and Its People: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Peter Harris. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2007.
17. Vickery M. Society, Economics, and Politics in Pre-Angkor Cambodia: The 7th-8th Centuries. Tokyo: Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO, 1998.
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