Additional sources and materials
1. Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2008. № 6.
2. As-Siyasa (Kuvejt). 09.11.2007.
3. Akhmedov V.M. Siriya pri Bashare Asade. Regional'nyj opyt modernizatsii v usloviyakh vneshnej nestabil'nosti. M.: IV RAN, 2005.
4. Akhmedov V.M. Vooruzhennye sily v obschestvenno-politicheskoj zhizni Sirii // Vostok (Oriens). 2003. № 4.
5. Landa R.G. Politicheskij islam: predvaritel'nye itogi. M., 2005.
6. Markaz ad-Dirasat al'-islamijya. 26.03.2006.
7. Be'eri E. Army Officers in Arab Politics and Society. N.Y.: Praeger, 1970.
8. Beshir M.O. The Southern Sudan: Background to Conflict. N.Y.: Praeger, 1968.
9. Janowitz M. The Military in the Political Development of New Nations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964.
10. Mehden F.R. von der. Comparative Political Violence. Eglewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1973.
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