Additional sources and materials
1. Akimov A.V. Mirovoe naselenie: vzglyad v buduschee. M.: Nauka, 1992.
2. Akimov A.V. 2300 god: global'nye problemy i Rossiya. M.: Vostochnyj universitet, 2008.
3. Demograficheskaya modernizatsii Rossii, 1900-2000 / Pod red. A. Vishnevskogo. M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2006.
4. Nebogatova O.A. Sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskoe polozhenie zhenschin v Indii v nachale XXI v. // Vostok (Oriens). 2006. № 6.
5. Global Population Profile 2002. Percent of Currently Married Women Using Contraception by Method: All Available Years. U.S. Census Bureau, PDF, Table A-13.
6. Future of Middle East and North Africa // <>, PDF.
7. Muslim Demography of India: Sachar Committee Report // <>
8. World Population Projections: The 2002 Revision // <>, PDFSOOBSchENIYa
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