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Anton Zakharov 
Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
The paper contains the first translation of the Sanskrit inscriptions of Bhadravarman I into Russian. Bhadravarman I was a king of one of Champa polities of Central Vietnam in the fifth century C.E. The centre of his polity was situated near the famous temple complex Mỹ Sợn in the Quangnam Province of Vietnam. The author translates the inscriptions C 72, 41, 105 and 147 while only two of them undoubtedly belong to Bhadravarman I. The new Russian translation in some aspects improves the classical translations by A. Bergaigne, L. Finot, and R.C. Majumdar. Probably, the concept of Campādid not exist during the epoch of Bhadravarman I.
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Additional sources and materials

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