Additional sources and materials
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11. Filliozat J. L'Inscription dite "de Vỏ-cạnh" // BEFEO. T. 55. 1969.
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18. Majumdar R.C. Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East: Vol. I: Champa. Books I-II. Lahore: Punjab Sanskrit Books Depot, 1927(1).
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23. Parmentier H. Inventaire descriptif des monument čams de l'Annam. T. I: Description des monuments. P.: Leroux, 1909. T. II: Jtude de l'art cam. P.: Leroux, 1918.
24. O'Reilly D.J.W. Early Civilizations of Southeast Asia. Lanham-New York-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: Altamira
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