Additional sources and materials
1. Aliev S.M. Istoriya Irana. KhKh vek. M.: IV RAN - Kraft, 2004.
2. Vidyasova M.F., Umerov M.Sh. Egipet v poslednej treti KhKh veka. Opyt liberalizatsii ehkonomiki i politicheskoj sistemy. M.: IIIBV, 2002, ehlektronnaya versiya.
3. Nosko V.P. Ehkonometrika. Ehlementarnye metody i vvedenie v regressionnyj analiz vremennykh ryadov. M.: IEhPP, 2004.
4. Ul'chenko N.Yu., Mamedova N.M. Osobennosti ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya sovremennykh musul'manskikh gosudarstv (na primere Turtsii i Irana). M.: Izdatel'skij dom "Gorodets", 2006.
5. Kharris L. Denezhnaya teoriya. per. s angl. M.: Progress, 1990.
6. Bharrier J. Economic Development in Iran 1900-1970. L.: Oxford University Press, 1970.
7. Bruno M., Fischer S. Seignorage, Operating Rules and the High Infl ation Trap. NBER Working Paper No. 2413, 1987.
8. Dethier J.-J. Trade, Exchange Rate and Agricultural Pricing Policies in Egypt. Vol. II (Appendixes: Data and Methodology). World Bank, 1989.
9. Hansen B. The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity and Growth: Egypt and Turkey. IBRD, Oxford, 1991.
10. Maddison. The World Economy: a Millennial Perspective. OECD, 2001.
11. McCallum B.T. Monetary Economics: Theory and Policy. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1989.
12. McCandless G.T., Jr, Weber W.E. Some monetary facts // Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review. Vol. 19. No. 3, Summer 1995.
13. Mead D. Growth and Structural Change in the Egyptian Economy. Homewood, Illinois, 1967.
14. Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual. International Monetary Fund, 2000.
15. Schaechter A. Implementation of Monetary Policy and the Central's Bank Balance Sheet. IMF Working Paper, 2001.
16. Snowdown B., Howard H.R. Modern Macroeconomics: Its Origins, Development and Current State. Edward Elgar, 2005.
17. Statistical Indicators 1923-2007. Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute, 2008.
18. Tignor R. L. State, Private Enterprise and Economic Change in Egypt, 1918-1952. N.Y.: Princeton, 1984.
19. Central Bank of Egypt, Time Series (<>).
20. Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Annual Account Final Tables (1959/60 - 2000/01), Annual Accounts (2001-2003), (<>); Economic Trends, razlichnye vypuski (<http://www>.
21. Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Statistical Data (
22. IMF International Financial Statistics Database ( <>).
23. World Development Indicators 2005, CD-ROM, World Bank.
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