A representative of the Turkish narrative postmodernizm Pynar Kyur (born 1943) uses numerous discourses in her "Novel about crime" (1989) that as well as the narrators code called to emphasize the rhetorical nature of the narrative are subjected to the secondary parody-ironical coding. Realizing the reappraisal of values, opening the structure of the work, organizing the text in a rhesomatic way, the authoress turns to different types of intertextuality: a literal citing, architextually as the reproduction of certain genre codes, hypertextiality as a parody game with different cultural signs. The pluralism of differentiated cultural signs, the weakening of the canon of the combination of parts (the limits of the novel seem to lose a distinct formation) makes up for the growth of plurality. The authoress turns to super language the component of which is each of the used cultural signs. The heterogeneous elements of the general text are united, fi rstly, by the title, secondly, by the problems, being considered, and, thirdly, by the linear succession in the narration of events. At the same time the centering of the structure by Pynar Kyur has a local character. Becoming part of a complex organized pluralistic system the centering loses its determing role.
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