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The article is devoted to the economic transformation of the most signifi cant colonies of the two greatest European empires in the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century. The author analyses the imperial policy in the main spheres of colonial economy of Turkestan and India (agriculture, industry, infrastructure, taxes, customs and foreign trade, fi nance). The impact of imperial policy on the colonial economies was to a large extent similar. Colonialism gave an impetus to the development of commodity-money relations in dependent countries and their inclusion in the world capitalist system. Both Turkestan and India served their respective imperial powers as markets, sources of raw materials and spheres of investment. It led to formal establishment of private property, penetration of capitalist relations, development of modern infrastructure and production of export crops, rise of usury and prices, dispossession of peasants, rise of wage labour, emergence of industrial enterprise, national bourgeoisie and working class. At the same time in the economic policy of the two empires there existed serious differences. In the agrarian sphere it is the course aimed at the weakening of traditional land nobility in Turkestan and its slight strengthening in India. Another difference - the confi scation by Russian authorities of «free» lands for the use of Russian settlers due to a huge zone of nomad economy in Turkestan (there was no white settlement and hence no such policy in India). The two empires pursued opposite policies in the customs sphere as well. Russia strengthened protectionism to develop its own industry, while Britain maintained free trade, the more so because Afro-Asian colonies remained lucrative markets due to the absence of industry. In the end the author draws a "balance sheet" for the economic policy of both empires in their respective main colonies.
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Additional sources and materials

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