Additional sources and materials
1. Adegoke A. The Evolution of Libraries in Nigeria // Classical Readings in African Library Development / Ed. by B. Amaeshi. Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2003. 459 p.
2. Antwi I.K. The National Library of Nigeria: A Case Study of the Bauchi State Branch // Aslib Proceedings. 1990. April. Vol. 42. № 4. P. 127-130.
3. Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers. 27th ed. / Ed. M. Miskelly. Vol. 1. Part. 2, I - R. Detroit -New York - San Diego - San Francisco - Boston - London-Munich: Gale Group, 2002.
4. Guide to University of Ibadan Libraries. 50 Years of Excellence. 1948-98. Ibadan, Nigeria: Ibadan University Press, 2000.
5. Harris. J. Ibadan University Library. Ibadan: University Press, 1968. 44 p.
6. Harris J. Twenty Years of Library Development: Libraries and Librarianship in Nigeria at Mid-Century // Classical Readings in African Library Development / Ed. by B. Amaeshi. Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2003. 459 p.
7. Journal of the Nigerian Library Association. 2001. Vol. 35. № 2.
8. Lawal O.O. Professional Education for Librarianship. International Perspectives. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Ltd, 2003. 213 p.
9. UNESCO. Statistical Yearbook. P., 1997.
10. Journal of the Nigerian Library Association. 2006. Vol. 42. № 3.
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