Additional sources and materials
- Allen J.V. Swahili Origins: Swahili Culture & the Shungwaya Phenomenon. Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1993.
- Alnet A.J. The Clause Structure of the Shimaore Dialect of Comorian (Bantu). PhD Thesis. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2009.
- Blanchy S. Comoros // Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill Online, 2014. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:, zakrytyj. Zagl. s ehkrana. Dannye sootvetstvuyut 29.04.2014.
- Chanfi A. Comoros // Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics (EALL). Vol. 1. Leiden: Brill, 2006. P. 448-451.
- Gould L.E. The Islands of the Moon // Aramco World. Vol. 47. No. 4. Houston: Aramco, 1996. P. 28-39.
- Rotter G. Kumr // Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Brill Online, 2014. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:, zakrytyj. Zagl. s ehkrana. Dannye sootvetstvuyut 29.04.2014.
- Shagal’ V.E. Arabskie strany: iazyk i obshchestvo. Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 1998. = Shagal' V.Eh. Arabskie strany: yazyk i obschestvo. M.: Vostochnaya literatura, 1998.
- Waldburger D. The Plurilingual Repertoire of the Comorian Community in Marseille: Remarks on Status and Function Based on Selected Sociolinguistic Biographies // Selected Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2013. P. 261-270.
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