Additional sources and materials
- Kostelyanets S.V. SShA, Kitaj i neft' v Sudane i Chade -
- Shishkin D.K. Vizit prezidenta Chada I. Debi v Sudan -
- Burr J.M., Collins R.O. Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster. Princeton, 2006.
- Chad and Sudan Situation Working Environment // UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Global Appeal 2008-2009, Geneva.
- Daldoum Hassan Musa. Dynamics of Ethnic Group Relations in Darfur: A Case of the Fur-Arab Relations in Western Darfur. Khartoum, 2000.
- Daly M.W. Darfur’s Sorrow: A History of Destruction and Genocide. N.Y., 2007.
- De Waal A. Famine That Kills: Darfur, Sudan, 1984-1985. Oxford, 1989.
- De Waal A. Making Sense of Chad // Pambuzuka News (Nairobi), 2008, № 342.
- Haggar A. The Origins and Organization of the Janjawiid in Darfur // War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. Cambridge (MA), 2007.
- Harir S. “Arab Belt” versus “African Belt”: Ethno-Political Conflict in Darfur and the Regional Political Factors // Short-Cut to Decay: The Case of the Sudan. Uppsala, 1994.
- Harir S. Re-cycling the Past in the Sudan: An Overview of Political Decay // Short-Cut to Decay: The Case of the Sudan. Uppsala, 1994.
- Ibrahim Abd al-Rahman Abubaker. Development and Administration in Southern Darfur Khartoum, 1977. Marchal R. Le Soudan d’un conflit a l’autre // Les Etudes du CERI, P., 2004.
- Theobald A.B. Ali Dinar: Last Sultan of Darfur, 1898-1916. L., 1965.
- Tubiana M.-J., Tubiana J. The Zaghawa from an Ecological Perspective. Rotterdam, 1977.
- United Nations. Dimensions of Challenge for Darfur. N.Y., 2006.
- United Nations Environment Programme, Sudan: Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment. N.Y., 2006.
- War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. Harvard, 2007.
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