Additional sources and materials
- Voenizirovannye formirovaniya Sirijskogo Kurdistana: Obzor. M.: IV RAN, 2015.
- Mashru kanun al'-vazir Marvan Sharbel' li-l'-intikhabat al'-lyubnanija 2013 (Proekt Zakona o vyborakh 2013 g. ministra Marvana Sharbelya, sentyabr' 2011) -
- Mashru kanun al'-intikhabat al'-lyubnanija kama akarrakhu madzhlis al'-vuzara va-l'-mukhal' ilya madzhlis an-navab bi-mudzhib marsum 8804 tarikh 1/9/2012 (Proekt Zakona o vyborakh v parlament ot 1.09.2012) -
- Sarab'ev A.V. Maronitskij patriarkh dejstvuet v interesakh stabil'nosti Livana // Novoe vostochnoe obozrenie, 8.08.2011 -
- Sarab'ev A.V. Neodnoznachnyj proryv v krizise Livana // RSMD, 18 dekabrya 2015 -
- Akiki V. Lebanese Christians remember former glory // Al-Monitor, 11.01.2015 -
- Arsenian Ekmekji A. Confessionalism and Electoral Reform in Lebanon. Aspen Institute. Lebanon Renaissance Foundation, Washington (DC), July 2012.
- Barroso C.F.S. The Critical Geopolitics of the Lebanese Sociopolitical Labyrinth // European Scientific Journal. Vol. 2, Sept. 2014.
- Fakhoury T. Debating Lebanon's power-sharing model: An Opportunity or An Impasse for Democratization Studies in the Middle East // Arab Studies Journal. Vol. 22, № 1 (Spring 2014).
- Hajj E. Lebanese Electoral Law Shakes Political Coalitions // Al-Monitor, Jan. 14, 2013 -
- Kota S. Undemocratic Lebanon? The Power-Sharing Arrangements after the 2005 Independence intifada // Journal of Ritsumeikan Social Sciences and Humanities. 2012, vol. 4, № 6 -
- Lebanons Self-Defeating Survival Strategies // Crisis Group Middle East (CGME) Report. № 160, 20 July 2015.
- Nabki Q. The Orthodox-Maronite Gathering (OMG) Proposal: Proportional Representation Meets Sectarian Nomination -
- Salamey I., Tabar P. Democratic transition and sectarian populism: the case of Lebanon // Contemporary Arab Affairs (Routledge). 2012, № 1.
- Salamey I. The Crisis of Consociational Democracy in Beirut: Conflict Transformation and Sustainability through Electoral Reform // Urban Sustainability: Perspective. Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2013.
- Aziz J. Does Lebanon's Political System Need an Update? // Al-Monitor, 17, 2013 -
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