Additional sources and materials
- Borisov D.B. Pryamye inostrannye investitsii v ehkonomiku razvivayuschikhsya stran Azii i Afriki. M., 2005.
- Novoselova L.V. Kitaj, investitsionnaya strategiya i perspektivy dlya Rossii.M., 2005.
- Tomberg R.I. Kitaj v global'noj konkurentsii za neft' Afriki. M.: IMEhMO RAN, 2011.
- African Development Bank, China’s Trade and FDI in Africa. May 2011. (Baza dannykh) (10.12.2012).
- Brautigam D. The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa. Washington, 2009.
- China in Africa Analysis. Otchet Investitsionnoj kompanii "Renessans Kapital ”, 2011.
- Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM). (10.02.2013).
- World Bank Annual Reports (2005-2008). World Bank; Washington, 2006-2009.
- World Investment Report 2006. UN. N.Y.; Geneva, 2006.
- World Investment Report 2013. UN. N.Y.; Geneva, 2013.
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