Additional sources and materials
- Lakoff Dzh., Dzhonson M. Metafory, kotorymi my zhivem / Per. s angl. A.N. Baranova i A.V. Morozovoj. M.: URSS, 2008.
- Makkormak Eh. Kognitivnaya teoriya metafory // Teoriya metafory / Red. N.D. Arutyunova, M.A. Zhurin-skaya. M.: Progress, 1990.
- Manto S.-Kh. Toba-Tek-Singkh / Per. A. Suvorovoj // Skakun Solntsa. Antologiya indijskogo rasskaza. M.: Vost. lit., 2009.
- Syrkin A.Ya. Digenis Akrit /Per. i komment. A.Ya. Syrkina. Ser. “Literaturnye pamyatniki”. M.: Nauka, 1960.
- Tyorner F. Frontir v amerikanskoj istorii / Per. s angl. A.I. Petrenko. M.: Ves' Mir, 2009.
- Khantington S. Stolknovenie tsivilizatsij? // Polis. 1994. № 1.
- Bourke-White M. Halfway to Freedom. N.Y.: Simon and Schuster, 1949.
- Herb G.H. National identity and territory // Nested Identities: Nationalism, Territory, and Scale / Ed. by G.H. Herb, D.H. Kaplan. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.
- Hussain A. Indo-Pakistan partition remains a political chasm // The Blade. 11.12.2012.
- Joshi Sh. The world of Sa‘adat Hasan Manto // The Annual of Urdu Studies. 1996. Vol. 11.
- Masters J. Bhowani Junction: A Novel. New Delhi: Viking Press, 1994.
- Singh K. Train to Pakistan. N.Y.: Grove Press, 1994.
- Wheelan J. Terrible Swift Sword: The Life of General Philip H. Sheridan. N.Y.: Da Capo Press, 2012.
- Witte B. Walter Benjamin: An Intellectual Biography. Detroit: Wayne University Press, 1991.
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