Additional sources and materials
- Afrika. Statisticheskij sbornik. M.: Nauka, 1969.
- Burygin S.M., Shejko N.I., Nepomnyaschij N.N. Mal'divy, Mavrikij, Sejshely. Zhemchuzhiny Indijskogo okeana. M.: Veche, 2007.
- Krivonogov V.P. Veddy, byurgery, mavry // Vostochnaya kollektsiya. 2013. № 3 (54).
- Naselenie mira. Demograficheskij spravochnik. M.: Mysl', 1989.
- Stepanchuk Yu.I. Zvezda i klyuch Indijskogo okeana. M.: Nauka, 1987.
- Eriksen T.H. Tensions between the ethnic and the post-ethnic: Ethnicity, change and mixed marriages in Mauritius // The Politics of Ethnic Consciousness / Ed. by H. Vermeulen, C. Govers. L.: Macmillan, 1997.
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