Additional sources and materials
- Bao Mi. Huanghuo. Taipei, 1991.
- Barnett R. Introduction // Tsering Woeser and Wang Lixiong. Voices from Tibet / Ed. and Transl. by Violet S. Law. Hong Kong, 2014 (eBook)
- Barnett R. Introduction // Wang Lixiong & Tsering Shakya. The struggle for Tibet. London-New York, 2009. P. 1-33.
- Ciren Weise ziliao (Avtobiografiya Tsering Oser). Rukopis' (iz arkhiva avtora).
- Ciren Weise. Shajie. Taiwan, 2006(1).
- Ciren Weise. Tuwen youji “Jianghongsede ditu”. Zhongguo luyou chubanshe, 2004.
- Ciren Weise. Xizang biji. Guangzhou, 2003.
- Ciren Weise. Xizangjiyi. Taiwan, 2006(2).
- Garri I.R. Buddizm i politika v Tibetskom raione KNR. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel’stvo BNTs, 2009. = Garri I.R. Buddizm i politika v Tibetskom rajone KNR. Ulan-Udeh: Izd-vo BNTs, 2009.
- (poslednee obraschenieAccessed on 11.10.2014). (poslednee obraschenie 28.10.2014). 16&by-date=false
- Interview with Tsering Woeser and Wang Lixiong, July 2014 (field research by Irina Garri). = Interv'yu s Tsering Oser i Van Lisyunom, iyul' 2014 (polevye materialy avtora). Invisible Tibet //
- Law S. Violet. Two's company: dissident literary couple Tsering Woeser and Wang Lixiong // Post Magazine. woeser-and (Poslednee poseschenie 11.10.2014).
- Quesnel R. Wang Lixiong, an atypical intellectual // China Perspectives [Online], 50 | November-december 2003; Online since 31 July 2006 ( Poslednee obraschenie: 15.10.2014.
- Tsering Woeser and Wang Lixiong. Voices from Tibet / Ed. and Transl. by Violet S. Law. Hong Kong, 2014 (eBook).
- Wang Lixiong. Dalai Lama shi Xizang wentide yaoshi // Wang Lixiong cangku, 2008 ( ?action=show&id=1). Poslednee obraschenie: 03.11.2014.
- Wang Lixiong. Reflections on Tibet // Wang Lixiong & Tsering Shakya. The struggle for Tibet. London-New York, 2009. P. 37-81.
- Wang Lixiong. Rongjie quanli - Zhuceng dixuan zhi. Hong Kong, 1998.
- Wang Lixiong. Tianzang: Xizangde mingyun. Hong Kong, 1998.
- Woeser. "Print - For Certain Prejudices" / Tr. Fiona Sze-Lorrain. Cited in: Barnett R. Introduction // Tsering Woeser and Wang Lixiong. Voices from Tibet / Ed. and Transl. by Violet S. Law. Hong Kong, 2014 (eBook).
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