Additional sources and materials
- Bol'shakov A.O. Chelovek i ego Dvojnik. Izobrazitel'nost' i mirovozzrenie v Egipte Starogo tsarstva. SPb.: Aletejya, 2001.
- Lukas A. Materialy i remeslennye proizvodstva Drevnego Egipta. M.: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoj literatury, 1958.
- Malykh S.E. Votivnaya keramika Egipta ehpokhi Drevnego tsarstva. M.: IV RAN, 2010.
- Malykh S.E. Sosud i ego soderzhimoe: k voprosu ob interpretatsii nekotorykh drevneegipetskikh grob- nichnykh stsen ehpokhi Drevnego tsarstva // VDI. 2012. № 4.
- Abu-Bakr A.-M. Excavations at Giza 1949-1950. Cairo: Government Press, 1953.
- Allen J.P. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005.
- Ballet P., Picon M. Balat II. Le mastaba d’Ima-Pepi. Le Caire: Institut fran9ais d’archeologie orientale, 1992.
- Barta M. Abusir V. The Cemeteries at Abusir South I. Prague: Set Out, 2001.
- Barta M., Coppens F., Kytnarova K., Vymazalova H. et al. Abusir XIX. Tombs of Hetepi (AS 20), Tombs AS 3335, and AS 50-53. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2010.
- Cagle A.J. The Spatial Structure of Kom el-Hisn: An Old Kingdom Town in the Western Nile Delta, Egypt. Washington: University of Washington, 2001 (Online-dissertation).
- Conard N.J., Lehner M. The 1988/1989 Excavation of Petrie’s “Workmen’s Barracks” at Giza // JARCE. Vol. XXXVIII (2001).
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