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The problem of the punishment of the deads who did not pass the Osiris Great Judgment, remains un explored. This article focuses on the forms of punishment of sinners in the afterlife, according to the Book of Amduat. I argue that: 1) There was no specifi c allocation of punishment according to Egyptian mentality. Nevertheless, one can identify two categories of punishment of sinners. The fi rst category includes corporal punishment: body or fl ash. The second conserns of penalty incorporeal beings (souls, shadows, appearances). It is interesting that the punishment for both physical and the disembodied entities were virtually identical. 2) Scenes of sinners punishment precede the most important points related to the renewal and resurrection of the sun god which he performs in a certain period of his journey. 3) The word xftyw Enemies the opponents was the most common epithet to refer to sinful acts. They were not simply those who did evil in the earth world, they were the enemies of God. According to the Book of Amduat, they should be punished and destroyed. 4) Iconographical features of demons punishers as well as their names enable us to determine what kind of punishment was connected with each of them. 5) A question arises what were the main principles of the idea of punishment. It can be assumed that as a result of punishment it was impossible to joint body and soul because the body and all its components as well were dismembered, burned and overturned. For ancient Egyptian mind it was equal to total destruction. 6) The Book of Amduat knows no idea of redemption.
punishment, sinners, royal guide, the Book of Amduat, demons-punishers, the solar god Ra, Duat, the Great Court of Osiris
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Additional sources and materials

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