Additional sources and materials
- Vneshneehkonomicheskie svyazi Osmanskoj imperii v novoe vremya: konets XVIII - nachalo XX v. M.: Nauka, 1989.
- Gorbunova N.M. Siriya i Livan v XIX - nachale XX v.: pervye shagi modernizatsii “sverkhu” (okonchanie) // Vostochnyj arkhiv. 2012. № 2 (26).
- Gordon S. Ocherki po ehkonomicheskomu polozheniyu Palestiny. Odessa, Palestina, 1906.
- Ditmar N.F. Ehksport za granitsu produktov gornoj i gornozavodskoj promyshlennosti yuga Rossii. Khar'kov, 1911. Vyp. 2.
- Palestina, ee geograficheskoe polozhenie, klimat, flora, fauna i ehkonomicheskoe polozhenie // Palestina. Sbornik statej i svedenij o evrejskikh poseleniyakh v Svyatoj zemle. SPb., 1884.
- Siriya, Livan i Palestina / po V. Kyuine. Vyp.5. Ierusalimskij mutesarriflik. SPb.: IPPO, 1903. Diplomatic and Consular reports. № 2050 Annual series. Turkey. Report for the year 1897 on the Trade and Commerce of the Consular district of Jerusalem. London: HSMO, April 1898.
- Diplomatic and Consular reports. № 2217 Annual series. Turkey. Report for the year 1898 on the Trade and Commerce of the Consular district of Jerusalem. London: HSMO, April 1899.
- Diplomatic and Consular reports. № 2405 Annual series. Turkey. Report for the year 1899 on the Trade and Commerce of Palestine. London: HSMO, April 1900.
- Diplomatic and Consular reports. № 3223 Annual series. Turkey. Report for the year 1903 on the Trade and Commerce of Palestine. London: HSMO, July 1904.
- Diplomatic and Consular reports. № 3771 Annual series. Turkey. Report for the year 1906 on the Trade and Commerce of Palestine. London: HSMO, May 1907.
- Diplomatic and Consular reports. № 3974 Annual series. Turkey. Report for the year 1907 on the Trade of Palestine. L.: HSMO, April 1908.
- Parliamentary Debates: House of Commons; House of Lords: Fourth series. Session 1900 (2 august 1900). Platt D.C. M. Finance, Trade, and Politics in British Foreign Policy, 1815-1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968.
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