Additional sources and materials
- Kukaj “Syo dzi dzisso gi” (“Znachenie Zvuka, Znaka, Istinno suschego”) // Buddizm v Yaponii / Red. T.P. Grigor'eva. M.: Nauka, 1993.
- Nikhon ryoiki. Yaponskie legendy o chudesakh / Per. i komment. A.N. Mescheryakova. SPb, 1995.
- Nikhon syoki (Annaly Yaponii) / Per. i komment. A.N. Mescheryakova i L.M. Ermakovoj. T. II. Sv. 22. SPb.: Giperion, 1997.
- Sutra o tsvetke lotosa chudesnoj dkharmy (Sutra o beschislennykh znacheniyakh. Sutra o tsvetke lotosa chudesnoj dkharmy. Sutra o postizhenii deyanij bodkhisattvy Vseob'emlyuschaya mudrost') / Per. i komment. A.N. Ignatovicha. M.: Ladomir, 1998.
- Udzi syui-monogatari. vr // Nikhon kotehn bungaku tajkehj (0 Tokio: Ivanami syotehn, 1974.
- Khokkeh kehnki / Per. G.G. Sviridova // Volshebnaya Yaponiya. SPb.: Severo-Zapad Press, 2001.
- Abe Ryuichi. The Weaving of Mantra. Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1999.
- Eubanks Ch. Illustrating the Mind. “Faulty Memory” Setsuwa and the Decorative Sutras of Late Classical and Early Medieval Japan // Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 2009. № 36/2.
- Lowe B.D. The Discipline of Writing: Scribes and Purity in Eighth-Century Japan // Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 2009. № 36/2.
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