Additional sources and materials
1. Asatryan G.S. (red.) Vvedenie v istoriyu i kul'turu talyshskogo naroda. Erevan: Izd. EGU i Kavkazskogo tsentra Iranistiki, 2011.
2. D'yakonov I.M. Vostochnyj Iran do Kira (K vozmozhnosti novykh postanovok voprosa) // Istoriya iranskogo gosudarstva i kul'tury. M., 1971.
3. Medvedskaya I.N. Drevnij Iran nakanune imperii (IX-VI vv. do Istoriya Midijskogo tsarstva. SPb., 2012.
4. Mify narodov mira: Ehntsiklopediya. T. 1. A-K. M., 1980.
5. Yunusov A. Azerbajdzhan v nachale XXI veka: konflikty i potentsial'nye ugrozy. Baku, 2007.
6. Amanolahi S. A Note on Ethnicity and Ethnic Groups in Iran // Iran and Caucasus. Vol. 9.1. Leiden-Boston. 2005.
7. Asatrian G.S. Baft-e nezadi-e mardom-e Iran: Gunadguni-e qoumi ya gunagunie zabani? // Farhang-e mardom. Tehran, 2011(1).
8. Asatrian G. Comparative Vocabulary of Central Iranian Dialects. Tehran, 2011(2).
9. Asatrian G.S., Livshits V.A. Origine du systeme consonantique de la langue kurde // Acta Kurdica. Vol. I. Erevan-London, 1994.
10. Asatrian G.S., Vahman E.F. Notes on the Language and Ethnography of the Zoroastrians of Yazd. Copenhagen: Danish Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2002.
11. Bazin L. Les turcophones d'Iran: apercus ethno-linguistiques // Le fait ethnique en Iran et en Afghanistan. P., 1988.
12. Benveniste E. L'Eran-vez et l'origine legendaire des Iraniens // Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies. Vol. 7. № 2. 1933-1935.
13. Christensen A. Le premier chapitre du Vendidad et l'histoire primitive des tribus iraniennes. Kobenhavn, 1943.
14. CPS Report for Congress: Iran: Ethnic and Religious Minorities. Updated November 25, 2008.
15. Gnoli G. The Idea of Iran: An Essay on its Origin. Roma, 1989.
16. Perry J. The Historical Role of Turkish in Relation to Persian of Iran // Iran and the Caucasus. Vol. 5. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
17. Rashidvash V. The Rase of the Azerbaijani People in Iran // Humanity and Social Sciences. Vol. 4(1). Dubai: Deira, 2009.
18. Rashidvash V. Multivariate Comparison of Cephalometric Traits in Iranien Azaris and Persians // Armenian Biological Journal. Vol. 63(2). Yerevan, 2011.
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