Additional sources and materials
- Li Kuan Yu. Singapurskaya istoriya: iz “tret'ego mira v pervyj”. M.: MGIMO-Universitet MID Rossii, 2005.
- Pakhomova L.F. Modeli protsvetaniya (Singapur, Malajziya, Tailand, Indoneziya). M.: IV RAN, 2007. Sulitskaya T.I. Angliya i Malajziya (1961-1971). M.: Nauka, 1973.
- Tyurin V.A., Tsyganov V.A. Istoriya Malajzii KhKhvek. M.: Institut vostokovedeniya RAN, 2010.
- Are There Enough Malaysians to Save Malaysia? Singapore: Government of Singapore, Ministry of Culture, 1965.
- Asian Almanac (Singapore).
- The Battle for a Malaysian Malaysia. Singapore: Government of Singapore, Ministry of Culture, 1965.
- Daily Press Summary.
- Declaration by the Convenors of the Malaysian Solidarity Convention. Singapore, 1965.
- Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER).
- Government and Politics in Malaysia. Boston (Mass.), 1967.
- Lee Kuan Yew. The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew. Singapore: Times Editions Pte Ltd, 1998. Lipski S. Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore: The Birth of Nation // The Bulletin. 21 August 1965.
- Malayan Times (Kuala Lumpur)
- Malaysia. Agreement Concluded between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore, Singapore, 1963.
- Milne R.S. Politics and Government. L., 1964.
- Our First Ten Years. Singapore, 1964.
- Parliamentary Debates. Malaysia, vol. 11, 1 June 1965; 26 May 1965; 3 June 1965; 31 May 1965; 9 August 1965; vol. 5, 1 December 1963.
- Singapore Government Gazette.
- Some Problems in Malaysia. Singapore: Government of Singapore, Ministry of Culture, n.d.
- Sopee M.N. From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation. Political Unification to the Malaysia Region 1945-1965. Kuala-Lumpur, 1976.
- State of Singapore Annual Report. Singapore: Government of Singapore, 1963.
- Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur, Singapore).
- Sunday Telegraph (L.)
- Suryanaryan V. Singapore in Malaysia // International Studies. Vol. 11. N. 1, July 1969.
- The Times (L.).
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