Additional sources and materials
1. Epstein A., Khanin V.(Z.) (eds.) Every Sevens in Israel: The Jews of the Former Soviet Union - Patterns of Social and Cultural Integration. Jerusalem-Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2007.
2. Fialkova L., Yelenevskaya M. Ex-Soviets in Israel. From Personal Narratives to a Group Portrait. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Raphael Patai Series in Jewish Folklore and Anthropology. 2007.
3. Khanin Z.(V.) Revival of "Russian" Politics in Israel: the Case of 2006 Elections // Israel Affairs. London, 2007. April. № 13(2).
4. Remennick L. Russian Jews on Three Continents. Identity, Integration and Conflict. New Brunswick (U.S.A.)-London (U.K.): Transaction Publishers, 2007.
5. Zilberg N. Why Change Culture? A Trilemma Confronting Russian Intelligentsia in Israel as Center Stage // Hare P.A. & Kressel G.M. (Eds.). A Setting for Social and Religious Enactments. Westport-Connecticut-London: Bergin & Garvey, 2001.
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