Additional sources and materials
- Gutin Yu.I. Dinamika chislennosti russkogo naseleniya Sin'tszyan'-Ujgurskogo avtonomnogo rajona
- (1949-2000 gg.) // VestnikMGIMO—Universiteta. 2010. № 3 (18).
- Cambell G. The old Believers // New Zealand Memories. 2006. № 59.
- Fitzgerald G. Refugee and Migrant Resettlement in New Zealand 1964—1976: Manuscript. Dunedin: University of Otago, 1982.
- Lovell-Smith M. No Turning Back: a History of the Inter-Church Aid Work of the National Council of Churches in New Zealand 1945-1983. Christchurch: NCC, 1986.
- McGill D. The Other New Zealanders. Wellington: Mallison Rendel Publishers Ltd, 1982.
- McFarland PA Promised Land? Russian Refugees in New Zealand after 1945. Manuscript. Dunedin: University of Otago, 1997.
- O’Grady R. The Old Believers: a New Zealand Refugee Programme. Wellington: International Council of Churches in New Zealand, 1972.
- Wilson J. Russians, Ukraniains and Baltic peoples [2012] //
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