Additional sources and materials
- Fadkhil S.S. Statisticheskij analiz urovnya obrazovaniya i podgotovki kadrov v Irake v 70—80 gody. M., 1991.
- Ustav i printsipy dejstvij Patrioticheskogo i natsional'no-progressivnogo fronta v Irake: Khartiya natsional'nykh dejstvij. Khel'sinki, 1976.
- Shakhbazyan G.S. Gosudarstvennyj sektor v ehkonomike Iraka. M., 1974.
- Yurchenko V.P. Voennaya politika i voennoe stroitel'stvo v stranakh Arabskogo Vostoka (konets KhKh — nachaloXXI veka). M., 2007. [Ehlektronnyj resurs: RTF]
- Aburish S.K. Saddam Hussein: the politics of revenge. L., 2000.
- Bulloch J., Morris Harvey. Saddam’s War: The Origins of the Kuwait Conflict and the International Response. L., 1991.
- Cordesman A.H., Wagner A.R. The Lessons of the Modern War. Vol. 2. Boulder, 1990 [ehlektronnyj resurs. PDF].
- For the independence and unity of the Arabs: The national declaration of President Saddam Hussein and the documents of the Arab popular national conference on 8 February 1980. Baghdad, 1981.
- Hiro Dilip. The longest War: The Iran-Iraq conflict. N.-Y., 1991 [ehlektronnyj resurs. PDF].
- Kennedy G. Military in the Third World. N.Y., 1974.
- Makiya Kanan. Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq. Univ. of California press, 1998.
- President Saddam Hussein’s message to the fourth corps commander. Baghdad, 1982. sada G. Saddam’s secrets. Brentwood, 2006.
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