Additional sources and materials
- Buber M. Dva obraza very. M., Izd-vo AST, 1999. Raj R. Dar veruyuschim v edinogo Boga / Per. s angl., prim. T.G. Skorokhodovoj // Voprosy filosofii. 2010. № 11.
- Rybakov R.B. Burzhuaznaya reformatsiya induizma. M.: Nauka, 1981.
- Skorokhodova T.G. "Zaletnye ptitsy" Rabindranata Tagora: Lakuny russkogo perevoda // Izvestiya Penzenskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Belinskogo. Gumanitarnye nauki. № 9. Penza, 2008(1).
- Skorokhodova T.G. Ponimanie khristianstva kak Drugoj religii v ehpokhu Bengal'skogo Vozrozhdeniya // "Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate". Iz istorii mysli i kul'tury Vostoka i Zapada. Sbornik statej k 70-letiyu E.B. Rashkovskogo. M., 2010.
- Skorokhodova T.G. Khristologiya ehpokhi Bengal'skogo Vozrozhdeniya // V Indiyu dukha.. Sbornik statej, posvyaschennyj 70-letiyu R.B. Rybakova. M.: Vostochnaya literatura, 2008(2).
- Tagor R. Sobranie sochinenij v 12-i tt. / Per. s beng. i angl. M.: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1961-1965.
- Shtitenkron G. fon. O prirode induizma. O pravil'nom upotreblenii obmanchivogo termina // Drevo induizma. M.: Vostochnaya literatura, 1999.
- Yakovenko I.G. Poznanie Rossii: tsivilizatsionnyj analiz. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M., ROSSPEhN, 2012.
- Bankim's Hinduism. An Anthology of Writing by Bankimchandra Chattopaddhyay / Ed. by. Amiya P. Sen. New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2011.
- Bhuteshananda Swami. Sri Ramakrishna and His Gospel. Vol. 1. Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama, 2006.
- Clarke Sathianathan. The Jesus of Nineteenth Century Indian Christian Theology // Studies in World Christianity / Ed. by James P. Mackey. Edinburgh: University Press, 1999. Vol. 5. Pt. I. P. 32-46.
- Chatterjee B.Ch. Sociological Essays: Utilitarianism and Positivism in Bengal / Transl. & Ed. by S.N. Mukherjee, M. Maddern. Calcutta: Wild Peony, 1986.
- Chaudhuri N. Ch. The Intellectual in India. New Delhi: Association Publishing House, 1967.
- Halbfass W. India and Europe. An Essay of Philosophical Understanding. Albany, SUNY Press, 1988.
- Keshub Chunder Sen in England. Calcutta: Navavidhan Publications Committee, 1938.
- Kopf D. Brahmo Samaj and Making of Modern Indian Mind. Princeton: University Press, 1979.
- Leaders of Brahmo Samaj. Record of Lives and Achievements of 7 Pioneers of the Brahmo Movement. Madras: Natesan, 1926.
- Muller F.M. Biographical Essays. L.: Longmans, Green, 1884. Naravane V.S. Modern Indian Thought. N.Y.: Asia, 1964.
- Robertson B.C. Raja Rammohun Roy. The Father of Modern India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1995.
- Roy R. The English Works / Ed. by J.C. Ghose. In 4 vols. New Delhi: Cosmo, 1982.
- Roy R. Selected Works. New Delhi: Gov. of India. Min. of Information and Broadcasting, 1977.
- Sen Amiya P. Rammohun Roy: A Critical Biography. New Delhi: Penguin, Viking, 2012.
- Sen K.Ch. Lectures in India. Calcutta: Navavidhan Publishing Committee, 1954.
- Vivekananda S. Complete Works. 12th ed. 9 vols. Mayavati-Almora: Advaita Ashrama, 1998-2002.
- Tagore D. The Autobiography / Transl. from Bengali by S. Tagore and I. Devi. Calcutta: S.C. Lahiri & Co.
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