1. Dokumenty vneshnej politiki SSSR. T. 8. M., 1963
2. Al'-Mukattam, 3 sentyabrya 1926 g.
3. Yakovlev A. I. Neopublikovannaya rukopis'.
4. Blunt W. S. My Diaries. 2 vols. London, 1920.
5. Bondarevsky G. L. Russia and the Gulf in the Twentieth Century // The Politics of Middle East Oil / Ed.P. Tempest. London: Graham and Trotman. 1993.
6. Browne E. G. Pan-Islamism // Lectures on the History of the Nineteenth Century / Ed. by F.A. Kirkpatrick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1904.
7. Bullard R. Two Kings in Arabia, Letters from Jeddah 1923–5 and 1936–9 / Ed. by E.C. Hodgkin. Reading: Ithaca Press. 1993.
8. CID Sub-Committee on Situation in Akaba, 3 June 1925, Secret 613-B, CAB16/60.
9. Colonial Secretary to high commissioner for Iraq, 30 September 1924, L/P&S/10/1124.
10. F. O. (Foreign Office). 78/3131, January 9, 1880.
11. F. O. 78/3131, Zohrab to Alston, January 12, 1880.
12. F. O. 78/3314, February 1881.
13. F. O. (Foreign Office). Bullard to Ryan, 23 December 1923, Ryan Papers, Box 6, File 5, MEC.
14. Gibb H. F. R. Studies on the Civilization of Islam / Eds. S. Shaw and Wi. Polk. Boston: 1961.
15. Kramer M. S. Islam Assembled: The Advent of the Muslim Congresses. New York: Columbia University Press. 1986.
16. Leatherdale C. Britain and Saudi Arabia: 1925–1939. The Imperial Oasis. London: Frank Cass. 1983.
17. Longfold E. A Pilgrimage of Passion: The Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. London: 1979.
18. The Times. June 25, 1877.
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