Germany's struggle for the return of former German East Africa (Tanganyika) during the Weimar Republic (1919–1933)
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Germany's struggle for the return of former German East Africa (Tanganyika) during the Weimar Republic (1919–1933)
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Waldemar Schmidt 
Affiliation: University of Regensburg
Address: Regensburg, Germany
The essay deals with issues concerning the development of the colonial movement after the end of the First World War in Germany. The author tries to clarify some fundamental issues related to the idea of getting back the colonial possessions of Germany in German Eastern Africa that were lost according to the decisions of the Versailles peace treaty. The role of the German colonial society and colonial press in shaping the opinion on the fight for bringing back the colonies in this African region is described as well. The essay pays attention to the position of England with regard to bringing back and involving Germany in the further colonial appropriation of the territory of Eastern Africa (Tanganyika). Besides, the article pays attention to the rivalry of Great Britain and Germany in this region of the African continent.
Versailles peace treaty, colonial movement, the Weimar Republic, rivalry of Great Britain and Germany in Eastern Africa, Tanzania
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