Al-Azhar and political processes in Egypt in the modern history
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Al-Azhar and political processes in Egypt in the modern history
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Oksana Moskalets 
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article traces the history of reforming the famous university in the Arab East in the modern times, which for hundreds of years remains a recognized center of Islamic thinking and education. During the 1930s, Al-Azhar was granted university status and reorganized into academic units. The reform of Al-Azhar in 1961 completely changed the structure of the university and added new secular curriculum and established women's colleges. Its influence in the wider Sunni Muslim world expanded, and international religious leaders and teachers received their training there. And now al-Azhar, in spite of the lot of problems, remains the main and most authoritative learning center of the Islamic world.
Egypt, reform, al-Azhar, education, university, Islam, learning programs, educational subjects
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