Africa in the plans of the Clement Attlee Government
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Africa in the plans of the Clement Attlee Government
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Elena Khakhalkina 
Affiliation: National Research Tomsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tomsk
The Second World War marked the beginning of a new period in the colonial policy of Great Britain. In 1945, the House of Commons approved an Act of Colonial Development and Welfare, primarily aimed a financial support to the underdeveloped African colonies. Under this Act, the emphasis was placed on the implementation of large-scale socio-economic projects designed to promote the developments of industry and agriculture, and to improve the living standards of the colonial population. The Attlee government tried to reconcile these tasks with the plans to strengthen the British economy and the overall unity within the British Empire facing the decolonization process. Among major socio-economic projects in the general policy of colonial development in the second half of the 1940s was the groundnuts cultivation in Tanganyika. Basing on the British documents of the Colonial Office, Ministry of Food and Cabinet, the author analyses the progress of the “Groundnuts Scheme” and the reasons for its failure. Particular attention is paid to the governmental discussions that accompanied the developments of this and similar projects, and attempts by the Labour Party to “rescue” the project. The author concludes that the Attlee government made a series of miscalculations subsequently resulted in a refusal from a partially realized project, even before the project started. The government also erroneously valued the possibilities of colonies’ economy.
colonial policy, Great Britain, Africa, Tanganyika, Groundnuts scheme, Clement Attlee
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Additional sources and materials

British Aid-5. Colonial Development: A factual Survey of the origins and history of British aid to developing countries. Overseas Development Institute. 1964 – URL:

British Documents on the End of Empire. Series A. Vol. II. The Labour Government and the End of Empire: 1945–1951. Ed. R. Hyam. Pt. II: Economics and International Relations. London, 1994.

Bulmer-Thomas V. The Economic History of Latin America since Independence. Cambridge, 2003.

Charter of the United Nations: A Russian Text – URL:

Ferguson, Niall. Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World. London: Allen Lane, 2003. Russian Translation: Moscow: Astrel’– CORPUS, 2013 (in Russian).

Godman J. Centuries of Human Progress Compressed into a Single Decade: Achievements Made Possible by Britain’s Colonial Development and Welfare Act. World Affairs. Vol. 120. No 1. Spring 1957.

Hameso S.Y. Development, State and Society: Theories and Practice in Contemporary Africa. N.Y., 2001.

Hansard. Great Britain. Parliamentary Debates. 27 July 1949 – URL:

Heinlein F. British Government Policy and Decolonization, 1945–1963: Scrutinizing the official mind. London, 2002.

Hubbard J.P. The United Stated and the End of British Colonial Rule in Africa, 1941–1968. North Carolina, 2011.

Mills D. Difficult Folk? A Political History of Social Anthropology. N.Y., Oxford, 2010.

Ostapenko G.S. The British Model of Decolonization. Rossiia i Britaniia. Vol. 2. Moscow, 2000 (in Russian).

Porter B. The Lion’s Share: A History of British Imperialism. 1950–2011. 5th ed. London, 2013.

Portniagin D.I. The policy of the Labor governments of C. Attlee concerning British Africa (1945–1951). Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Ser. 6. 2012. Issue 1. Pp. 71–77 (in Russian).

Scott, James C. Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. Yale University Press. 1998. Russian Translation: Moscow, 2005 (in Russian).

What were protectorates, protected states, mandated territories and trust territories? – URL:


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