Remarks on current educational systems in the Arab world
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Remarks on current educational systems in the Arab world
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Andrey V. Korotayev 
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Serafim Yuryev
Affiliation: Association “Russian House”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
In this article, we consider the current developments in the educational systems of the Arab world using quantitative data for the period from 1980 to 2014. Building upon our analysis we can distinguish four major periods of educational expansion in the Arab world between 1980 and 2014: (1) the 1980s – the most substantial expansion, this period actually began in the 1970s and was tightly connected with the oil boom; (2) the late 1980s – the 1990s – a relative slowdown of the education expansion in connection with a prolonged decline of oil prices, whereas an especially low expansion rate was observed in 1995–2000 when oil prices reached their bottom levels; the 2000s – a new acceleration of growth associated with a new wave of acceleration of the economic growth in the Arab World in connection with both a new wave of oil price growth and effective economic reforms in some Arab countries; from 2011 – a sharp slowdown of educational expansion in connection with a systemic crisis in the Arab World caused by tragic events of the Arab Spring. Apparently, the educational situation in the region is extremely asymmetrical. In several countries, adequate quantitative coverage of population by education has not been reached so far. First of all, these are Yemen, Mauritania, Sudan and Morocco. On the other hand, in countries like Jordan, Qatar and Libya the educational quantitative coverage of the youth by 2005 had already reached the saturation level, which caused the administration of these countries to take measures in order to decelerate the educational expansion. Hence, the major educational goal for these countries is not the quantitative educational growth, but the improvement of the quality of their education.
Arab world, education, quantitative analysis, Levant, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling
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