The role of Jenge (Daughter-in-law) in the bride choosing and the Karakalpak folklore
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The role of Jenge (Daughter-in-law) in the bride choosing and the Karakalpak folklore
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Bibiraba Bekjanova 
Affiliation: Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz
Address: Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article analyzes the oral folk knowledge, particularly the examples associated with tradition of choosing a bride, that was widespread at all times and is still valid now, especially in rural areas. On folklore content the author identifies a daughter-in-law’s place and role in the family choosing the suitable match for youngsters at the age of marriage. Each age Karakalpak group has long been led by a respected person with deep life experience. As a rule marriageable maidens were under the care of Jenge – daughter-in-law, wife of the older brother (or close relative). Her task was to keep an eye on the girl’s clothing, to tell her what to wear at home and what in public spaces and explain the meaning of dress symbols. Community entrusted daughter-in-law to instill useful skills in young maidens, cultural practices accepted within the family and society as well as housework and moral code. In short, she was their big sister. She was also resposible for giving the girl for a worthy man and making her happy. Particular attention is paid to the study of “kyz-zhigitlerotyryspasy”, which means “youngsters sit-round gatherings in the care of daughter-in-law and dgigit-aga”. During such gatherings were held “zhuyap aitis” (verbal games between girls and boys) – their analysis is given in the article. Such gatherings is an old custom, classified by ethnographers as early wedding ritual. It often precedes other wedding ceremonies and celebrations.
tradition, folklore, a bride-choosing, daughter in law, youth, girls’ and boys` party, verbal competition
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Additional sources and materials

Aim­be­tov K. Na­rod­naya mud­rost'. Nu­kus: Ka­ra­kal­pak­stan, 1988 (in Ka­ra­kal­pak).

Allambergenov K. Verbal games. Certain issues of Karakalpak literature. Nukus: Karakalpak State university, 1982 (in Karakalpak).

. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1986 (in Karakalpak).

Davkaraev N. The complete works. Vol. 2. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1977 (in Karakalpak).

. L.: Nau­ka, 1969 (in Russian).

Esbergenov H., Atamuratov T. Traditions and their transformation in life of Karakalpak people. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1975 (in Russian).

Issue I. Moscow–Leningrad: Nauka, 1956 (in Russian).

. Trans. From Karakalpak by A. Naumov. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1988 (in Russian).

. Vol. V. Ceremonial songs. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1980 (in Karakalpak).

. Vol. XI. Verbal game. Book I. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1982 (in Karakalpak).

. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1995 (in Karakalpak).

. vol. 1. Sa­bit Mu­ka­nov o slo­ves­nykh so­stya­za­ni­yakh. Al­ma­ty: Pi­sa­tel', 1962 (in Ka­zakh). 

 (Ra­zo­ren­nyj na­rod). Nu­kus: Ka­ra­kal­pak­stan, 1981 (in Ka­ra­kal­pak).


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